Fundamentals SEO good practices for Real Estate Websites

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1. Always Start With Competitor Analysis

If you want to make something great, you should always start with competitor analysis. Best practice and way to understand the market is analyzing what your competitors are doing well.

Ask yourself few simple questions:

  1. What are your competitors not doing well? And doing great?
  2. What unique keywords are they using differently to rank high?
  3. What are the top 5 ranking pages?

On the other hand, you should check real estate websites that are not ranking well on various search engines to create a SWOT analysis on why these competitors for yours are not ranking well.

2.Keywords Analysis/Research

Above we have slightly mentioned keywords, and now we are going to detail keywords. Keywords are the primary focus to rank high on SERP. Without keywords, there is no SEO and vice versa. When doing keyword research it is important to understand the three forms for keywords.

  1. One word: Keyword
  2. Two – three words keywords phrase
  3. Long-tail keywords

One word keyword

They are competitive keywords that all businesses want to rank for on SERP. For example, let’s use the word, London, while trying in the keyword “London” on the search engine. Google provides various links, answers, wikipedia pages, and even images results. If you are a real estate broker in London, that is a keyword all your competitors want to rank for you on Google first page.

Two-Three Keyword Phrase

This is an interesting part. Two-three keyword phrases are competitive with a search volume between 5,000 – 10,000 monthly searches local. Global volume searches can generate high traffic. Stick to the previous example, two-three keyword phrases are where your audience are typing London best flats. Now they might be a different type of competition. As some of your competitors are not even in the area. You can challenge that and create amazing content to let users land on your landing pages.

Long-Tail Keyword

Long-Tail Keywords are interesting to compete with. Long-tail keywords provide less competition than the two previous keywords recommended. Long-tail keywords provide low competition, but for real estate companies, you will find the right lead. Long-tail keywords search volume per month is around 80, the highest you can find. You should use this for buyers who are interested in buying, but they do not need any more information.

Long-tail keywords are for buyings who are ready to purchase a property and just want to know the steps of becoming a homeowner. In a marketing funnel, long-tail keywords are for buyers who are ready to take action, and become a proper lead.

3. Content Management

Bill Gates once said, “Content is king, and marketing is queen”. To understand content you have to first ask yourself. What does the word content mean for you? You can ask 50 marketers and everyone will give a different answer. There might be some similarities, but content these days are just not long-written form content. In a niche market like real estate, content marketing is paramount to reach your target audience. There are various ways to reach your audience with long-form written content, videos, images, podcasts, 3D visuals.

You would need a proper content management software system to keep all your content on a software. A popular software for example is wordpress, to keep all your contents on one trusted management software. Google does prefer older content which has been indexed into Google database before. You should update your older content, as information as people consume content which is data-driven.

Having a good content management system in place is ideal, but you should not forget the next step which is content discovery. There are various strategies for users to discover your content and we will go into details later. One of the main ways to discover content is by SEO. Optimizing your content with targeted search queries and keywords.

4.Blog Contents/Visual

Content Management is paramount to schedule and keep track of your topics, ideas, and to have coherent ideas between text content and visual contents. Later on will go into details on how visual contents are gaining popularity among users and search engines pages like, primarily Google.

To create content is by first setting up a brief between the copywriter, the SEO expert, the data analysis, and manager on the types of content which will rank high on search engines, are our users going to consume the content, and is the content going to gain wide popularity among new audiences.

Especially in a niche market such as real estate, where you have to understand the user’s journey on how they can reach the point of purchase. Secondly you would need to identify the personas as well.

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